Manage work-life balance as a new expat in The Hague

As a new expat in The Hague you are in luck. You have arrived in a city renowned for its excellent work-life balance. Here’s how to make the most of it.

As a new expat in The Hague you are in luck. You have arrived in a city renowned for its excellent work-life balance. Here’s how to make the most of it and thrive both professionally and personally in your new home:

1) Embrace the Dutch work culture

The Dutch approach to work is refreshingly balanced. Only 0.3% of employees in The Netherlands work very long hours.

  • Respect clear boundaries between work and personal time
  • Avoid checking work emails after hours or weekends
  • Take advantage of flexible working options when offered

2) Make the most of your time

Dutch employees enjoy their leisure time and personal care. There is plenty of time to explore your new city:

  • Visit Scheveningen beach, just 18 minutes from the city center
  • Explore the many museums and cultural attractions
  • Join local sports clubs or hobby groups

3) Consider Part-Time work

The Netherlands has a high rate of part-time employment, especially among women. If your circumstances allow, consider:

  • Negotiating a 4-day work week
  • Job sharing arrangements
  • Flexible hours to accommodate personal commitments

4) Take all your vacation days

The Dutch value their time off and so should you. Make sure to:

  • Use all your allotted vacation days
  • Plan regular short breaks throughout the year
  • Fully disconnect during your time off

5) Prioritize your health

The Netherlands has an excellent healthcare system. Take advantage of it by:

  • Registering with a local doctor
  • Scheduling regular check-ups
  • Using your sick days when needed without feeling guilty
  • Take care for yourself; make time to have a walk outside, go to the gym or be part of that yoga class. A “busy” schedule is not an excuse, you can always make 30 – 60 minutes time for your daily exercises.

6) Connect with other expats

Building a support network is crucial. The Hague has a thriving expat community:

  • Join expat groups on social media
  • Attend networking events
  • Participate in language exchange meetups

7) Learn Dutch

While many Dutch people speak excellent English, learning the local language can enhance your experience:

  • Sign up for Dutch classes
  • Practice with colleagues and neighbors
  • Use language learning apps in your free time

8) Enjoy Family-Friendly policies

If you have children, you’ll appreciate the family-friendly culture:

  • Take advantage of parental leave policies
  • Explore the many international schools in The Hague
  • Look into childcare options, which are often subsidized

9) Cultivate Hobbies

With more free time, it’s the perfect opportunity to pursue personal interests

  • Take up a new sport or creative pursuit
  • Volunteer for a local charity
  • Start a side project or learn a new skill

10) Practice Mindfulness

In a new environment, it’s important to stay grounded:

  • Try meditation or yoga
  • Spend time in nature at nearby parks or beaches
  • Regularly reflect on your goals and well-being

Remember, adapting to a new country takes time. Be patient with yourself as you adjust to the Dutch way of life. By embracing the local work culture and making the most of your free time, you’ll soon find yourself enjoying the enviable work-life balance between that The Hague is famous for.